Wednesday, April 27, 2011

March Contest Winners!

Congrats to the March Student Writing Contest Winners!

Student Writing Contest Question:  "What form of media impacts your life the most, and why?"

View summary for this writing contest:
  Teens and the Media


Student Writing Contest Winner

Monday, April 25, 2011

Arkansas Teens Matter...

Help!!  Are you from Arkansas?  Do you know anyone who is?  This is Stage of Life's newest project and we need you!

Arkansas Teens Matter...

“Arkansas Teens Matter” is the one and only sounding board for teens across the state of Arkansas. This news programming segment is a part of KARK's efforts to open a dialogue with Arkansas’ teens and give them a place to discuss a myriad of issues, capturing the zeitgeist of the next generation.
KARK has partnered with to provide the writing contest platform which will allow teens to put their best ideas forward for each monthly contest question. This student writing competition is a non-fiction, memoir, blogging, diary, letter, or essay-style contest for Arkansas teenagers in high school, grades 9 through 12.

April 2011 Arkansas Teen Writing Contest Topic: 

Girls Going to PromQuestion: "Prom and alcohol - an unavoidable teen tradition?"
Going to prom is a high school milestone, and prom traditions have been around for decades.  Dresses.  Dinner.  DJ's.  Dancing.  And Drinking? 
Submit your essay via the green, "Enter Contest" button below (please read full details further down the page).  Good luck!


Arkansas Student Writing Contest Winner Gets:

  1. An option for you and your friends to appear on-camera to talk about this topic for a KARK news broadcast for the Arkansas Teens Matter series
  2. KARK SWAG:  Hoodie sweatshirt and more
  3. "Featured Writer" status on
  4. SWAG:  T-shirt, pen and letter from CEO


  • Essay must relate to the monthly topic/theme.
  • Essay must be your original work.
  • Essay can be no longer than 500 words.
  • Essay must be non-fiction and follow the form of a diary, journal, blog, memoir, or essay.  That is to say...we want honest, real stories about real life...from you.
  • Once entered, essay will become a part of's public facing content so no foul language or inappropriate material.  Those entries will be removed.
  • Registration to is required to enter the writing contest.  It's free and does two things:  a) allows to post your work and b) give you access to the writing community here on  This will allow you enter all future writing contests too.
  • Writing submission must come from a current high school (grade 9-12) student or recent graduate.
  • Essays will be judged on a combination of factors including style, content, length, originality, use of argument, grammar, spelling, etc.

Enter KARK's and's Arkansas Teens Matter Writing Contest Now:

Please read below for details on the monthly student writing contest and click the green "Enter Contest" button to submit your essay.  Good luck!
Enter the Arkansas Teens Matter writing contest

Girls Going to PromATM Writing Contest Question:  "Prom and alcohol - an avoidable teen tradition?"

Essay Title:   When submitting your essay, title it as follows:  
"Arkansas Prom: ______" [insert your unique title in the blank without the quotation marks].  Ex) Arkansas Prom:  I Drink Because My Friends Do.
Free Contest:  This is a FREE writing contest in conjunction with KARK.  There is no submission fee.
Details:  Please read the details for this contest further below and the rules further above.
Contest Deadline:   April 30th, 2011 at Midnight PST [ is an international project so the site clock is set to GMT but the contest ends on US Pacific Time].

Student Writing Contest winner
Winner:  The winner and semi-finalists will be announced after May 1st, 2011.
Prizes:  Offer to appear with your friends in a May filming of a KARK news broadcast for the Arkansas Teens Matter series, KARK SWAG (Hoodie Sweatshirt), SWAG (T-Shirt, Pen, Letter from the CEO), and Featured Writer status on  The winner and semi-finalists will be contacted by a editor via email after May 1st with information on receiving the prizes.  IMPORTANT:  MENTION THE DATE OF YOUR PROM IN YOUR ESSAY.

Enter Essay Contest

Writing Contest Details/Background:   Each year, teens across the state engage in alcohol use or face invitations, temptations or even peer pressure to use alcohol as part of the prom experience.  Is this true for you?  What role, if any, does alcohol play in your prom outing?  We're interested in real, honest feedback with these essays.  Our hope is that your experiences, insights, advice, stories or wisdom creates a dialogue for your peers, parents and community leaders to engage in about this topic...all thanks to your candid essays.

NOTE:  If your prom is coming up in May, will alcohol play a part?  Why or why not?
When you think about your response to the question, ask yourself some of these questions to get ideas for your essay:
  • Do you think most students at your school attending prom use or don't use alcohol at prom?
  • How do students get alcohol for prom in the first place?
  • Why do students use alcohol at prom?
  • Has this topic caused problems between you and your friends?
  • Do you know anyone who has driven drunk?  Did you ride in the car with him/her?
  • Does your school do drug or alcohol awareness programs during prom season to attempt to curb alcohol or drug use during prom?  If so, do you think these programs work?
Writing Contest StatisticsDid You Know:  Here are links to statistics about the underage teen drinking. Feel free to incorporate information you learned from these other sites into your 500 word contest essay, use them for inspiration, or find others to back up your argument:
  1. Keeping Teens Safe and Sober on Prom Night
  2. 12 Tips for Driving on Prom Night Every Parent and Teen Should Read
  3. Risky Business on Prom Night
    Format:  This teen and college student writing contest should be in the form of a personal, essay, letter, diary, blog, or memoir format.  The KARK and Stage of Life editors, staff, and featured writer/blogger community is excited to read your original point of view to this month's writing contest.
    Post Comments:  We'd like to encourage all participants and readers to make comments on these writing contest essays.  Please just remember to keep all comments/posts/discussions civil and in good taste in each of the essay-blog threads.
    Last Words:  This is a collaborative project by KARK and  Whether you win the essay contest, use it for college essay writing practice, or just want to add your voice to the topic, our hope is that maybe your essay and thoughts will help impact Arkansas and inspire someone to think differently.

    Just a note

    This is taken from our CEO Eric Thiegs' blog.  Read and enjoy :)

    1 (and 2) Year Anniversaries

    We sent out our first "company" press release today to PR Newswire.

    This April, it's officially been two years since we quietly launched the beta version of and a year since the site publicly went live.

    While we utilize public relations on a regular basis to generate awareness for writing contests, information and other content going up on the site, up to this point, we never dedicated an entire press release to just talking about...


    The company.

    The concept.

    Frankly, we had no idea if this thing would stick. Many people originally told us that we couldn't "build a website about life."

    At one point, I almost abandoned the idea.

    "Go niche," they said. "Build websites where you can use SEO to drive your traffic. There's no way you'll have an effective SEO strategy when your website deals!"

    And guess what...

    They're right about the SEO part.

    So we decided to do things the hard way...manually. Instead of relying on Google, Yahoo, and Bing to bring us all of our visitors in a niche marketing manner, we "manually"...
    • people to get involved in the project.
    • ...invite individual, talented bloggers to write for us and promote their blogs.
    • smart partnerships with outside companies, websites, organizations and merchants who have like minded missions to make the world a better place.
    • ...grow awareness through viral marketing techniques
    All of this manual work takes a lot of time and energy, but you know what, I wouldn't trade it for the world. We create new relationships everyday and that's why it's exciting to come to work.

    To our interns (past and present), to our editors (all 24 of them), to our Featured Writers (all 150+ of them), and to our now over 2,000 contributing blogger members - everyone has played a part in growing the Stage of Life project.

    Thanks, everyone.


    Here's the press release in case you want to read it. We're excited about where we've been, but more importantly about where we're going.

    YORK, Pa., April 25, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Since its launch last April, over 2,000 bloggers joined and contributed to – a free, international writing project that takes submitted stories from bloggers and organizes them by stage of life.
    Using a multi-generational approach, the site works with both amateur and professional bloggers/writers across the entire age spectrum, from teenagers inhigh school to Baby Boomers in retirement, as it aspires to build the world's largest collection of cross-generational stories.
    Bloggers submit essays, bits of wisdom, links to articles, stories from their existing blogs and other insights about their lives which are coded and displayed in one of ten life milestones on The core mission of the blogger collaboration is to make the world a better place, one story at a time. Over two dozen editors (personally living in the life stages for which they edit) monitor the incoming essay submissions and lead off each life stage in the site with a From the Editor welcome message.
    Homeowner editor Amy Mullis says, "Stage of Life® reminds us that even in our differences, we are all alike. We all have fears and failures, hopes and dreams, goals and accomplishments; and we all want someone to share these things with. We're all one big family–and that gives me an endless stream of cousins who have to laugh at my jokes!"
    Two key benefits
    The two benefits bloggers enjoy most about are a) it's free to join as a contributing writer-member, and b) actively encourages its writer network to include a back link to their blogs from their posts and profile page.
    These promotional elements for key for people as they look for credible channels in which to promote their blogs and gain more traffic. Additionally, Stage of Life® drives thousands of visitors to its site each month through its public relations, marketing and advertising channels, all of which bring traffic to the site and an opportunity for bloggers to court new readers.
    Wedding Editor Elle Lamboy says, "I wanted a place to showcase my writing but was new to the whole blogging scene. Stage of Life® offered a friendly playground to not only share my writing but also learn from so many talented writers."
    Featured Bloggers
    If members want to get more involved, they can apply for Featured Bloggerstatus. Stage of Life's Featured Bloggers' essays receive additional placements on the website in exchange for contributing on a more regular basis and writing across several of the life stages on the site.
    On My Own Editor, Laura Parson, was a former Featured Blogger who become an Editor. Parson said of the project, "In the age of social media there are an abundance of ways to connect, but Stage of Life® stands out from the crowd because it brings together individuals in the same stage of their life. (It) gives me the opportunity to seek advice, share my struggles, and celebrate triumphs with people who understand the unique nature of my life. Additionally, it allows me to find news and information relevant to my life and needs and sends me deals that I actually want! It is a safe and positive environment that I can trust to meet my unique stage of life needs!"
    Interactive community readers can comment on, share and follow their favorite posts and bloggers on the site, as each essay submitted is coded to that blogger's profile page, thus forming a public-facing life journal. This fosters an interactive community between the reading public and the blogging members, placing as a central hub for people to find wisdom from others for their current life stage or gain insights on the transitions into future ones.
    College Editor Michelle Pease says, "I am a firm believer that words can change the world; one person's story may be another person's life saver. It is a wonderful mission, and I fell in love."
    Save money
    As a final perk, touts My Life Rewards®  a propriety benefit program designed to give bloggers and readers discounts and coupons to relevant national merchants as part of a secondary mission to provide "Rewards for Life's Journey®."
    Over 100 national brands participate directly in the program as Stage of Life® groups discounts, coupons and savings by life stage, just as it does its blogs, thus allowing its users and readers to not only gain wisdom through story sharing but also save money throughout their entire lives.
    Get involved
    There are three ways to get involved in
    • If you're interested in sharing a story to impart wisdom from your life for others to benefit, look for the "Share Your Story" buttons throughout the site.
    • If you're a blogger looking for ways to get more exposure for your blog, become a member, add your blog to your public profile page and start sharing essays and stories from your life.
    • If you're simply looking for some of the best discounts on cruises, shoes and things you need for your everyday life, check out the My Life Rewards® listing of national merchant offers and start saving today.

    Stage of Life® celebrated its one year anniversary this month. Site traffic is trending to eclipse last year's visit count by over 195% and each month new bloggers are getting involved to help build the world's largest pool of cross-generational stories.
    About Stage of Life®: is a free, non-partisan, grassroots online community that hosts blogs, information, and resources for teens, Millennials/Gen Y, Gen X, and Baby Boomer generations. Its specialized content allows users to share and archive their life stories. includes free lesson plans and writing prompts for Language Arts teachers, monthly writing contests for high school students and college students, blogging resources, a platform that helps people promote their blogs, insights into teen trends, custom news feeds for each stage of life, and My Life Rewards, an area dedicated to providing relevant coupons and discounts exclusively geared towards each stage of life.
    If you'd like more information about or an interview with CEO/Founder Eric Thiegs, please call (717) 244-0006, or use the Contact Us form on the website.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    March Contest Finalists

    The contest is currently being judged from this pool of finalists.

    High School Finalists:
    College Finalists
    For more information on the March 2011 Media Writing Contest click here

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    My Newest Project

    The highlighted selection below is the newest project that Eric has assigned me to.

    Writing Contest Question:  "Prom - a positive or negative teen tradition?"

    Essay Title: 
    When submitting your essay, title it as follows: 
    "Prom: ______" [insert your unique title in the blank without the quotation marks].  Ex) Prom:  I Wouldn't Miss It
    NOTE:  If you are a student living in Arkansas - click here for a special version of this contest being run in conjunction with KARK, the NBC network TV affiliate out of Little Rock.
    Exposure:  In your essay, mention the state in which you live, ex. Minnesota or Pennsylvania. student essay writers have been featured in local, regional and national media channels.  See an example in which featured one of our teen writers.
    Free Contest:
    This is a FREE writing contest. does NOT require a submission fee.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    New Partnership :)

    THIS IS BIG!!!! 

    Stage of Life, along with Scholastic, are the launch partners for's new education initiative.  You'll see our logo listed on their education home page along with a full posting about us on the "Partner" page AND hot links to some of our blogger essays appear on the "Resources" page (scroll down to Essays).

    Check it out here

    Adding On!

    Stage of Life has added 
    3 new writing contests!

    Marriage Story Writing Contest

    Marriage Story Writing Contest

    • Read contest rules
    • See current prizes
    • Review the topic/theme for the marriage writing contest. 
    This writing contest is available to anyone who is (or was) married.
    Enter Writing Contest

    Writing Contests about Raising a Family

    Writing Contest for Moms, Dads and Parents

    • Read contest rules
    • See current prizes
    • Review the topic/theme for the parents' writing contest. 
    This writing contest is available to anyone who is a parent.
    Enter Writing Contest

    Writing Contest for Grandparents

    Writing Contest for Grandparents

    • Read contest rules
    • See current prizes
    • Review the topic/theme for the grandparenting writing contest. 
    This writing contest is available to anyone who is a grandparent.
    Enter Writing Contest for Grandparents

    Check all of our writing contests out at:

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    Spring has sprung!

    April is finally here, and so are the new writing contest topics!

    Teens:  Prom: Positive or Negative Milestone?

    College:  What Advice Would You Give Teens about Prom?

    Wedding:  Most Important Aspect of Planning?

    Baby:  Has Having a Baby Helped/Hurt Your Relationship?