Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Outlook

Oh hey 2012,

You are off to a rocky start...

In the last few months of 2011 I had been working through  heart break, financial struggles, family struggles and a rebirth of myself.

With that being said, I had high hopes for 2012; new roommate, new car, new relationship, and lots of other newness.  I was excited! 
  • January 1, 2012-  Pumped!  Spent the weekend in our mountain house with family celebrating the New Year!
  • January 2, 2012-  Not too shabby.  Took the secenic route home and just enjoyed the company of a new friend.

  • January 3, 2012- Trouble strikes-  My first day back at work (hard enough), I get word that my Grandma has passed away.  I left work, a hot mess, and went straight to my parents house.  I spent the day with them and other family members.
  • January 4, 2012-  Back to normal (I guess)-  I get to work 15 minutes late, because even though it's 2012, there is the same traffic and morning hang ups at 2011. I worked all day in a somber mood, and felt like I was in a daze all day.
  • January 5, 2012- Today- It's Thursday, which is one step closer to the weekend.  However this Friday night is my Grandma's viewing and Saturday is her funeral.  Not really my idea a great weekend plans. There are a million and one things to get done at work and I feel like I can't catch up.  From being out sick for a few days, the holidays, working from home between Christmas and New Years and now a death in the family, I feel lost in all the emails, project sheets, and meetings.
  • January 6, 2012- Tomorrow- I expect tomorrow to be like any other working Friday.  It will take forever, but I will get a lot accomplished (like always).  I get done at 4, and I have to at the viewing by 6.
  • January 7, 2012- Funeral-  I. Am. Heartbroken  :(
So in light of the my first week of 2012, I'm not as excited.  I'm not that fun, light-hearted, hippie, blooming adult that I want to be.  I feel sad, cold, and lost. 

So 2012, let's get it together.  It's not all bad. Remember all those new things I have to look forward to?  I say we get a fresh start next week, and I can get back to feeling myself.

 If you are feeling like me and have had a not-so-hot, first week in 2012, try to make a fresh start next week.  Here is a goal setting worksheet to help you out.  You will catch me filling mine out tonight :)

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