Sunday, February 27, 2011

Writing :)

Within the past few days, I took some time to write, for myself and for Stage of Life.  Last week, I wrote the press release featured a few posts below.  It was released on Friday via PR Newswire.

Yesterday I took the time to write for myself and post it on Stage of Life.  The subject: marriage.  Marriage is the writing contest for February for teens and college students.  With only a few days left before the deadline, I wanted to make sure I vented my thoughts. You can check it out here.

Today, I sat down to write another press release.  This one, yet again or Stage of Life, but focused on January's writing contest.  Stage of Life outlined some thirty-two causes that students wrote about in their 500 word essay submissions, on their summary page

Please take the time to read some of the submissions from the January's writing contest as well as February's, which ends tomorrow at 11:59pm. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A late mention

Last week, I was going through my group of google alerts when I stumbled on to an interesting one from I was instantly shocked and clicked to find out more.  Come to find out Stage of Life had found it's way to's Business and Money blogger, Brad Tuttle.  

He mentioned us with a nod to our writing contests for teens and high school students. He quoted our recent essay contest winner, Justina, and her unique take on the personification of money.  The writing contest topic from that last month asked teens about their relationship with money. How do they save? How do they spend? We had a tremendous response from the student community and the essay perspectives were VERY interesting. If you have some time, check out our writing contest summary page (teen white paper).   

Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Teens Value Marriage?

YORK, Pa.Feb. 25, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- How do teenagers feel about marriage?  That's the controversial question posed by, a writing and blogging resource for teens to Baby Boomers.  As part of its monthly writing contest series for high school and college students, the site is asking young people, "What is the value of marriage?"
With an essay submission deadline of February 28th, 2011, over 3,440 high school and college students have already visited the student writing contest page.  From the first wave of essay submissions, teens have shared thoughts on gay marriage, traditional values and a wide range of attitudes about matrimony running the philosophical gamut.
In the pro-marriage camp, one student writer wrote, "To me, I believe that the value of marriage is priceless. It is the true meaning of unity between two people in love. It shows the trust, the devotion, and the hope for an amazing future between the two. When people get married, they want to live the rest of their lives to make their partner happy, and they will try their best to do just that. Even if they live in the Projects or in a mansion in Florida, a loving marriage could make your life better, just the way a loveless marriage can ruin you."
On the other end of the spectrum, a different teen blogger wrote, "Since I was a small child, I've always wondered what the heck I would do when I grew up and had the option to…dare I say it? Get married. The prospect scared me, and at age seven, I decided that marriage was not for me. Who would want to live with me forever, and more importantly, who would I want to put up with forever?"
Keeping with the marriage theme throughout February, also launched its wedding writing contest that asks, "What is your engagement proposal story?" to adult couples currently or previously married.
The current wedding and student writing contests end at Midnight (PST) on February 28th, 2011.  Winners from the contests receive gift card or cash prizes from national sponsors along with SWAG from, and a new writing contest dealing with a real-world topic that concerns teens will start on March 1st, 2011. will release a formal summary/white paper outlining its findings from the teen writing contest about marriage in mid-March.  Previous teen white papers address topics such as teens and stressteens and moneyteen heroesteens and education and more.
About Stage of Life™: is a free, non-partisan, grassroots online community hosting blogs, information and resources for teens, Millennials/Gen Y, Gen X, and Baby Boomer generations.  Its specialized content allows users to share their life stories and includes lesson plan ideas and writing prompts for Language Arts teachers, monthly writing contests for high school students and college students, blogging resources, a platform for writers and bloggers to promote their work and much more, including My Life Rewards, an area dedicated to providing relevant coupons and discounts exclusively geared towards each stage of life.
If you'd like more information about or an interview with CEO/Founder, Eric Thiegs, please use the Contact Usform on the website or contact PR/Marketing Coordinator Megan Colyer at (717) 654-9554 or megan.colyer(at)
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I have reached 500 blog views today!!! I couldn't be more excited about it! Thank you to all those who check out Stage of Life and my blog!

Tonight I will be writing the press release based on February's student writing contest about Marriage.  I am really excited to show Eric my skills :) The press release will then be edited by Eric on Thursday and go out to PR News Wire on Friday with my name as the Stage of Life contact :)  I feel so honored to be apart of this organization, I can't wait to graduate with my Bachelor's degree in May and work with Stage of Life more.

On the question of yesterday's blog; no it didn't.  We unfortunately only got enough to powder the side walks and cars.  Where I am originally from and where the Stage of Life headquarters are located, they received 6 inches.

Today's blog is short and sweet, seeing as I have lots to write tonight for my classes tomorrow and for Stage of Life as well. I hope to contact some really great potential featured bloggers this weekend and hopefully relax too.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Will It or Won't It?

The big question today is, will it snow tonight or won't it.  I'm praying for a day off, so lets go for snow....please!!!

On the Stage of Life front, I am still working with my featured blogger team.  The featured bloggers are putting some great stuff out there and I love it.  If you or anyone you know who is interested in becoming a featured blogger from the site, just email me at

I am also working on projects for a Stage of Life media kit as well as planning an event in collaboration with the Susan P. Byrnes Health Center.  Stay tuned for more information for both of those events.

Eric, our CEO, has been busy working on his side project- he is the musical director for Red Lion Area School District.  So this week I get the honor of writing a press release about our current student writing contest about marriage.  It will go out on Friday and I will be the Stage of Life contact listed  :) I couldn't be more excited.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome to Our New Friends

I have had the pleasure of welcoming 5 new featured bloggers to Stage of Life between Thursday and now! I am so excited to have these new members join our great group of bloggers. Please take the time to go to their individual blogs, as well as check out their writing on Stage of Life.



Cheap Child-



Friday, February 11, 2011


TGIF, after the week I have had.

Today, however I got to do something that I love.  Earlier this week, Eric send me a list of websites and blogs to contact.  I love having the opportunity to create relationships with people and feature people on the site.  18 sites were on the list and so far I have heard back from 3 of the bloggers, who are interested.

Also, I would like to put out there that Stage of Life has a great Wedding writing contest going on this month with the prompt being, "What do you think about marriage?"  I would love to get a lot of responses about this topic, because it is so controversial.  I am,even, going to write this month :)

So what are everyone's Valentine's Day plans?  Share your traditions and gift ideas with others on Stage of Life, I sure know I could use the help this year.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is it Fast Forward or Slow Motion

I am stuck. Stuck in a place that I hate, but I'm not sure where that is.  I'm just stuck there. 
Welcome to my life. 

For the past week, I have felt like I am moving at an unusually slow rate of pace and the world and everything I know is in fast forward.  My classes and work go incredibly slow, then when I get home at 6pm the next thing I know it's 11:30pm and  I still have all my homework, make up work, and Stage of Life work to do.  I'm not sure how I got to this weird place, and I feel like I can't snap out of it.

On a lighter note, it's Thursday, which means tonight me and my friends will most likely be thirsty. Friday follows of course, which is much needed.  Then its Saturday, and I have a wedding to attend; I can not wait, it's is going to be wild.  The weekends winds down on Sunday with a scheduled trip to Philly with Eric and some other Stage of Life editors for the taping of ABC's Mary Talks Money.  WAHHHOOOO!!  It's going to be a crazy weekend, which is why I feel like I'm stuck in slow mo and the days are speeding past me.  What can I do to shake this feeling?

Stay tuned for the link to ABC's Mary Talks Money and more about all the fun stuff happening at Stage of Life.  I have a lot of great people to contact: for contest posting, wedding sites, and school administrators as well as finding and working with my featured blogger team :)

It's crunch time baby.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feeling Better

After having a pretty rough week, complete with 2 snow days, a chest cold, and an ear infection (plus 2 doctors appointments) I started to feel a little better this evening.  I managed to get a smidgen of "creative" writing done. Check out  my latest essay on Stage of Life :)

Oh and by the way, since beginning this blog in mid-December, Stage of Life has welcomed over 20 new featured bloggers.  I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have been working with me and encourage those of you who are not to look into it :)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FEBRUARY'S Writing Contests!!!


February 2011 Teen & College Writing Contest Topic: 

"What is the value of marriage?"

Yes, we have a controversial topic this month.  Whatever your beliefs, we want to hear your point of view.   Good luck!

January - Febuary 2011, Baby Story Contest

Baby Story Contest Question:  "What is the hardest thing about being a new parent?"

January - February 2011

Wedding Story Writing Contest Prompt:  "What is your engagement proposal story?"