Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh baby, Productivity

         As I finished finals yesterday, I have embarked on a month of the working world. Boy oh boy,  am I loving it or what.  This blog is so much fun, and it's even more fun checking out others blogs.  I've learned so much from a lot of mothers today, especially when it comes to all the fun gadgets and backgrounds I can add to my blog.

       One extremely successful part of my day was getting one great blogger, Cee Kay, to become a featured blogger for Stage of Life. Want to check out her blog?  Go to
Lets all give her a warm welcome!

 Today was a super productive day for me, I hope it was for you too.


  1. Thanks Megan! Boy, you are fast!

    I greatly appreciate this opportunity to share my writings with a larger audience at Stage of Life.

  2. Oh sorry! Forgot to sign off as Cee Kay in my previous comment.

  3. Hi Megan..!first of all thanks for visiting my blog. It's a pleasure to have an opportunity to write in the Stage of Life and serve many readers. Thanks for the invitation..sounds interesting and fun too!! i will let u know as soon as possible..=)
